Hey, I'm Rebecca! A full stack developer with a love for coffee, cats, and coding. I have an eye for detail and enjoy creating aesthetic, responsive, accessible websites & apps. I like to meet challenging goals and collaborating with others. Prior to web developement, I worked as a program supervisor and teacher at a robotics and coding school that provides STEM education to elementary students throughout Ontario. Teaching kids to code was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for me, and I'm excited for them to utilize their newfound skills in the future. As for myself, I am excited to embark on a career in web development and eager to delve deeper into the field!
- CSS3
- Javascript
- Ruby
- React
- NodeJs
- Express
- Rails
- Git
- GitHub
- Firebase
- PostgreSQL
- Mocha
- Jest
- Storybook
Frog Finance
React / Node.js / PostgreSQL / Tailwind / CSS · teamFull stack, multipage budgeting and finance app. Users can track their income, expenses, budgets, saving goals, and debts. Users can also learn about stocks, finances, and money management.
Node.js / Express / EJS / PostgreSQL / SASS · teamFull stack, multi-page buy & sell site. Post items, contact sellers, and save items to favourites. Developed according to client specifications, exhibits teamwork in project management, and UI & DB planning & design.
Who's That Pokemon
JavaScript / PokeAPI / HTML / SASS · pairedA Pokedex app. Users have the option of learning about a random Pokemon, or they can search for a Pokemon of choice. This project utilizes two endpoints from the PokeAPI, JavaScript, DOM manipulation, error handling & UI design, and paired programming teamwork.
PSD Conversion / HTML / SASS · soloTranslated static design images and style guide into a functional, multi-page responsive website using HTML and SCSS. Features a home, blog, and contact page. Responsive down to 320px.
React / API / SCSS · soloReact-based single-page application (SPA) that allows users to view photos in different contexts. Users can favourite photos, view photos of different categories, and open a modal on each photo to see a larger view of it & along with similar photos
React / Unsplash API / CSS · soloA travel exploration app. Users can explore the world by searching for any city or country. Utilizes the Unsplash API data source, core React concepts, error handling, and UI design.
GIF Movie Spoiler
React / APIs / Firebase / CSS · teamSearch for a movie title, view the plot summary in gifs, and save individual gifs to favourites. Uses React, Firebase, two API databases, and teamwork in group project management
Sanctuary Helpers
PSD Conversion / HTML / SASS · soloA multi-page website made by converting static design images and style guide into a functional site using HTML and SASS. Features a home, blog, and contact page. Fully responsive from 320px and up.
JavaScript / jQuery / Express / EJS / CSS · soloFront-end focused SPA that also utilizes express. Users write messages under 140 characters and post it to the page